Some Fun Strategies For Improving Visual Memory in Students

Strategies For Improving Visual Memory
When you want to teach a child anything, the best thing you can do is make it fun. When you make an exercise fun, and essentially make it a game, the students are more likely to retain the information. Not only that but they’ll look forward to the next lesson. The same goes for strategies for improving visual memory in students. You want to make these strategies for improving visual memory in students fun so that they’ll look forward to learning and they will even compete with each other to increase their odds of grasping the information even more. Make it a game and they will look forward to it each and every time and pretty soon they’ll remember everything you ask them to.

The Picture Game

A great strategy for improving visual memory in students is to play the picture game. Show them a picture involving many aspects. A great one to work with will be one with a foreground and a background. Don’t make it too difficult but make it so that they must remember what they’re looking at. Let them view the picture for a few moments and then hide it. After the picture is hidden, begin asking them details about the picture. What color shirt was the woman wearing, for example. What color was the balloon? How many balloons was the little boy holding? These types of questions will cause the students to want to remember as much as possible about the picture, which makes this a terrific strategy for improving visual memory in students.


The best strategy for improving visual memory in students is to use the above game but include rewards for the students who get them all right. The rewards don’t have to be much, they can get a piece of candy, or a star next to their name, or anything else that will cause them to really try and get all the details correct. This strategy for improving visual memory in students is a great way to get them to learn and it will make learning fun for them. That will also make their schooling more successful as they will begin to remember more and more, and that’s what learning is all about. After all, if they’re not learning, they won’t do well in school because the information will go in one ear and other the other. When you incorporate strategies for improving visual memory in students, you are doing them a favor that will last their entire lives.

Photographic Memory Training Not As Hard As People Believe

People have been trained to develop film and print pictures of images they captured on cellulose, but for some season they have trouble learning how to develop the images they captured in their mind. For many the thought of photographic memory training would be wasted as they see themselves having a poor memory, when the reality is they have not taken the time to put their brains through photographic memory training.

Students struggle on a regular basis trying to memorize certain materials for their classes and have found things that work for them. The trouble comes in a few days later when they try to recall what they memorized. With photographic memory training they can be taught that memorization is a short-term benefit while learning provides the basis to long-term memory. In grade school children memorize and possibly learn the multiplication tables through repetition. Older students have no memorization tricks to learn calculus and must learn it in order for it to be remembered.

Similar information, such as names and phone numbers often elude the memory unless the person is willing to recite it over and over again. Instead of walking around reciting names and numbers every day, photographic memory training can help the memory store and, more importantly, recall the information when needed by learning.

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Keep Distractions To A Minimum

Learning is accomplished on different levels, and distractions can block out certain information, even when attempting to memorize something. Most people do not realize that the brain works on many levels and even though a distraction may not be apparent, it is entering a section of the brain that may be needed to help with their photographic memory training.

For example, some people can learn with music in the background or while the television is on and others must have complete silence to keep the brain from becoming confused by the information being received. Consider photographic memory training as the brain in the computer. Running one program allows all of the computer’s resources to focus on one task. If two or more programs are run at the same time, they will likely run slower than when they are operating on their own.

Isolating the information entering the brain, a major part of photographic memory training, allows the brain to efficiently gather, sort and store the information in specific areas and know where that information is located in order to find it later.

Not All Photographic Memory Techniques Work For Everyone

There are several different photographic memory techniques used by people to help train their brain to retain important information. Although some of the saved information may never be used again, if the photographic memory techniques are used properly, they can help recall the information when it is needed. Forgetting where the car keys were left or what, after opening the refrigerator door you were looking for, are some of the most common complaints people have when looking for ways to improve their memory.

Word association, list building and story-telling are a few of the most common photographic memory techniques developed to help people remember a list of words, such as a grocery list or a list of numbers, in specific order. Memorization techniques are taught to everyone once they enter grade school and carrying those same photographic memory techniques through college and into adult life can help develop a better memory, to a point, but distractions can interrupt the process, causing the information to become scrambled or lost.

The human brain is a marvelously powerful tool and unfortunately, a rare few understand how to get the most out of the brain. Many photographic memory techniques focus on what prompts the individual to retain information as well as how to recall specific information when it is needed.

Cramming Helps Short-Term Memory

Many people understand what is involved in cramming for tests, spending hours before a big test reading and rereading textual information that will be needed in the very near future. However, once the test they crammed for ends, few can recall any of the information memorized. With photographic memory techniques the focus is on learning the information as opposed to memorizing it, making recall at a later date possible.

Using the information in a song on in rhyme helps people remember more easily because it is more fun than simply remembering facts. Adding a cadence also develops a beat for the information and even if the information is initially elusive, remembering the beat or tune make recovering the information more likely. Realistically, remembering dates and names is boring and requires memorization. With photographic memory techniques learning tunes and beats of a song is more fun and easier to accomplish.

Recent research suggests that the connection between the different parts of the brain is a continuous process. Distractions in one part of the brain reduces the effectiveness of the other part of the brain. By using proven photographic memory techniques the brain can be trained to work without interference of interruptions and distractions and to retain more information.

Photographic Memory Books Teach How To Recall Information

There are lots of photographic memory books that essentially teach individuals strategies to improve their memory skills. Photographic memory is usually confused with eidetic memory, with which an individual can research a picture for about 30 seconds and when the image removed visualize the image. Whereas an eidetic memory has been witnessed in youngsters, with the picture memory lasting a few minutes, it has not been profitable found in adults.

In most photographic memory books the techniques used are to help individuals develop memory skills, not by means of capturing a psychological image of what they see, however by studying certain tips to make recalling the data possible. Whether or not they're looking at an image, words of text or music, the ability to retailer that information into their memory is commonly thought of having a photographic memory.

There are alternative ways individuals practice their memory, for example, most youngsters memorized the alphabet by singing the alphabet song. The concept of setting the letter to music made it more enjoyable to be taught than simply through repetition. Probably the most elementary means of studying for kids is thru repetition and association and photographic memory books teach the same skills that adults and older youngsters can use to recollect quite a lot of information.

Not All Books Teach Same Reminiscence Habits

Just as it has been shown that people be taught on different levels, people be taught to train their reminiscences by way of totally different methods. When somebody writes photographic memory books they write concerning the methods which have labored for them and a few others. Folks on the identical learning ability degree can in all probability use these photographic memory books to improve their information retention skills.

However, another person could not notice the identical success and may discover different photographic memory books, written from a different perspective to extra beneficial. Unfortunately, there are nobody dimension suits all photographic memory books that may provide the same stage of help for everyone. Different techniques are utilized in different books to show individuals to coach their memory and people interested by having the ability of instantaneous and whole recall might must learn a number of books to search out the methods that work for them.

Enhancing an individual’s memory is high on the listing of many individuals and there have even been medication and natural treatments claiming to assist improve memory. Much like photographic memory books, they do not have the identical positive impact on everyone and in most cases the concepts in the photographic memory books need to be tailored to the individual needs of the reader.

Researchers Contend Photographic Memory Is A Myth

Researchers Contend Photographic Memory Is A Myth

There is plenty of debate about whether the concept of a photographic memory even exists and many so-called experts often confuse someone’s claim of having one with eidetic memory. Perhaps because of the misnomer of photographic memory, some researchers believe that people who have the ability to remember small details are claiming to have total recall that lasts more than two or three minutes.

Thе test fоr eidetic memory wаѕ devised to test thе concept оf а photographic memory, іn thаt а person іѕ gіvеn 30 seconds to scan аn image. Thе image іѕ thеn removed аnd thе person attempts to recreate thе image іn thеіr mind аnd relate whаt thеу see. Vеrу fеw individuals hаvе bееn аblе to repeat thе image іn clear detail аnd аftеr а fеw minutes соuld оnlу offer а rough outline. Based оn thеѕе types оf test, thеѕе researchers аrе claiming thаt photographic memory іѕ а myth.

Dеѕріtе thе conclusions drawn bу thеѕе experts, thеrе аrе numerous people whо hаvе demonstrated thаt photographic memory іѕ vеrу real аnd vеrу possible. Thе basic theory іѕ thаt people hаvе enhanced memory capabilities enabling thеm to remember thіngѕ longer thаt most, іnѕtеаd оf асtuаllу tаkіng а picture wіth thеіr brain.

Memory Traits Cаn Bе Expanded

Thе idea оf ѕоmеоnе hаvіng а photographic memory іѕ mоrе dominant іn children whо саn оftеn recall ѕоmеthіng thеу hаvе ѕееn іn vivid detail. Unfortunately, аѕ thеу grow older оutѕіdе influences disrupt thе memory process replacing thе older images, оr memories, wіth nеw thoughts оr visions. It іѕ believed thаt adults hаvе ѕо mаnу interruptions іn thеіr daily lives to collect effectively information іn thеіr “mind’s eye” to bе аblе to store еnоugh detail іn thеіr memory.

Thеrе аrе numerous resources thаt саn hеlр individuals capitalize оn thеіr memory abilities аnd train thеmѕеlvеѕ to hаvе а virtual photographic memory. Memory соurѕе hаvе bееn аrоund fоr ѕеvеrаl years to hеlр people wіth recall оf important information ѕuсh аѕ names аnd dates, аnd thrоugh thіѕ training develop whаt іѕ ѕоmеtіmеѕ termed аѕ а photographic memory.

Thоѕе whо claim to hаvе аn eidetic memory, thе ability to recall аn image іn detail аftеr ѕееіng іt оnlу once, аrе extremely rare whіlе thоѕе wіth whаt thеу bеlіеvе to bе а photographic memory саn recall detailed information аѕ thоugh thеу wеrе асtuаllу lооkіng аt thе information embedded іn thеіr brain. It іѕ presumed thеіr expanded memory capabilities аllоw thеm to form аn image оf thе information thеу аrе trуіng to recall.